- 18 Km, Ferozepur Road Lahore
To be recognized as Pakistan’s premier power company committed to provide economic, safe and reliable power to our customer and deliver sustainable value to all stakeholders
To provide reliable and economic power to the customer and enable the business to deliver strong sustainable and long term value to the shareholders by optimizing systems, adopting world-class practices for operations and safety and promoting a culture of openness, integrity and teamwork.
450 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant Near Sidhnai Barrage, Abdul Hakim, District Khanewal.
Tel : 92-65-2463020, 2463001-04, 2463011-13
Fax: 92-65-2463070
Email: site@rouschpak.com
Descon Headquarters: 18 Km, Ferozepur Road, Lahore.
Tel: +92 (42) 35 9900 34
Fax: +92 (42) 35 9237 72
E-mail: rousch@rouschpak.com
Company’s Registration: I-0149
Company’s NTN: 0819027-5
Copyright 2014 – 2024, Rousch (Pakistan) Power Limited. Last Update: 10-Oct-2023
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